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Journal Title: Victorian health Libraries Update
Authors: McKenzie, Amy
Penfold, Robert
Gorton, Cassandra
SWH Author: Obst, Hannah-Lee
Keywords: Victoria
Health Library
Professional Development
Clinical Health Channel
Issue Date: 10-Mar-2025
Date Accessioned: 2025-03-11T02:24:21Z
Date Available: 2025-03-11T02:24:21Z
Accession Number: 10.55999
Format Startpage: 29
Source Volume: 5
Issue Number: 1
DOI: 10.55999/johila.v5i1.195
Abstract: Queen Victoria is associated with the names of two Australian states (VIC, QLD); while the others are named after a Dutch explorer (TAS), a British country (NSW), prosaic directions (WA, SA, NT), and government (ACT). Rather than a royal review, this article will look at the state of health libraries, in the state of Victoria.
Journal Title: Journal of Health Information Libraries Australasia
ISSN: 2652-5453
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:SWH Staff Publications

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