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J of Health Information and Libraries Australasia - 2025 - Victorian health Libraries Update.pdf.jpg10-Mar-2025Victorian Health Libraries UpdateMcKenzie, Amy; Obst, Hannah-Lee; Penfold, Robert; Gorton, Cassandra; Obst, Hannah-LeeJournal Article 
Mar-2025Aspirin after completion of standard adjuvant therapy for colorectal cancer (ASCOLT): an international, multicentre, phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialChia, John W K; Segelov, Eva; Deng, Yanhong; Fuang Ho, Gwo; Wang, Wei, et alJournal Article 
ANZ Journal of Surgery - 2025 - Mills - Telehealth after lockdown  evaluating a regional urological telehealth service.pdf.jpg25-Feb-2025Telehealth after lockdown: evaluating a regional urological telehealth service before and after the pandemicMills, Alexander; Neerhut, Thomas; McLeod, Kathryn; Willder, Stuart; Harrison, Benjamin, et alJournal Article 
20-Feb-2025Using emergency department data to reduce late-night alcohol-related presentations in an Australian central business districtMiller, Peter; Taylor, Nicholas; Egerton-Warburton, Diana; Kloot, Kate; Shepherd, Jonathan, et alJournal Article 
Internal Medicine Journal - 2025 - Collins - Development of a virtual multidisciplinary meeting framework for less common.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2025Development of a virtual multidisciplinary meeting framework for less common cancersCollins, Ian M.; Freeman, Jessica; Ludowyk, Justin; McDonough, Jordyn; Ridgwell, James, et alJournal Article 
Feb-2025From other journalsBeck, Sierra; Dunlop, Tahnee; Honan, Bridget; Mitra, Abhishek; Sri-Ganeshan, Muhantha, et alJournal Article 
Solving unknown primary cancer with earlier diagnosis - the SUPER-ED trial.pdf.jpg29-Jan-2025Solving unknown primary cancer with earlier diagnosis - the SUPER-ED trial: study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial to support earlier diagnosis for people presenting with malignancy of undefined primary originUgalde, Anna; Tothill, Richard W; Quinn, Stephen; Wong, Hui-Li; Prall, Owen, et alJournal Article 
Jan-2025Palliative care clinical trials research in regional settings: green fields of opportunityFerres, Miriam; Mounsey, Lisa; Chua, Joyce; Eastman, Peter; Campbell, David, et alJournal Article 
Jan-2025Real-world impact of pembrolizumab availability for deficient mismatch repair metastatic colorectal cancerLoft, Matthew; Wong, Vanessa; Kosminder, Suzanne; Wong, Rachel; Shapiro, Jeremy, et alJournal Article 
AJGP - 2024 - Javaid - Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for chronic kidney disease.pdf.jpgDec-2024Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for chronic kidney disease: Why, when and when notJavaid, Muhammad M.; Frederick, Rachel; Itrat, Sheema; Ekladious, Adel; Javaid, Muhammad M.Journal Article 
18-Nov-2024Real-world impact of pembrolizumab availability for deficient mismatch repair metastatic colorectal cancerLoft, Matthew; Wong, Vanessa; Kosmider, Suzanne; Wong, Rachel; Shapiro, Jeremy, et alJournal Article 
Financial implications of unpaid clinical placements.pdf.jpg15-Nov-2024Financial implications of unpaid clinical placements for allied health, dentistry, medical, and nursing students in Australia: a scoping review with recommendations for policy, research, and practiceBeks, Hannah; Walsh, Sandra; Clayden, Suzanne; Watson, Lucinda; Zwar, Joyti, et alJournal Article 
South West Healthcare_Annual Report 2023-24.pdf.jpg14-Nov-2024The 25th Annual Report 2023-2024South West Healthcare; South West HealthcareReport 
2-Nov-2024Using patient-reported experiences to inform the use of foam dressings for hard-to-heal wounds: perspectives from a wound care expert panelWoo, Kevin; Santamaria, Nick; Beeckman, Dimitri; Alves, Paulo; Cullen, Breda, et alJournal Article 
Nov-2024A 7-item Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia in people with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: evaluation of structural validity, hypothesis testing, internal consistency and minimally important changeMurphy, Myles C.; Rio, Ebonie K.; Scholes, Mark J.; Jones, Denise M.; Pazzinatto, Marcella, et alJournal Article 
28-Oct-2024Improving joy at work and reducing burnout in health care workers in Victoria, Australia using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement joy in work framework A mixed-methods studyJordan, Joanne E.; Garner, Kerryn; Bones, Kate; McKenzie, Lisa; Linzer, Mark, et alJournal Article 
21-Oct-2024Evaluation of a weight-based process for real-time accurate confirmation of oral liquid controlled drug balancesWembridge, Paul; Ta, Linda; Callinan, Meegan; Chan, Kayin; Fejgl, Aliesha-Jane, et alJournal Article 
20-Oct-2024Improving Accuracy of Discharge Summary Medication Lists – A Comprehensive Electronic Medical Record Quality Improvement ProjectTao, Winnie; Rodda, Hamish; Monypenny, Nick; Wembridge, Paul; Wembridge, PaulJournal Article 
2-Oct-2024Clinical efficacy and safety of a silver ion-releasing foam dressing on hard-to-heal wounds: a meta-analysisMunter, Karl-Christian; Lazaro-Martinez, Jose; Kanya, Susanne; Sawade, Linda; Schwenke, Carsten, et alJournal Article 
2-Oct-2024TLC-NOSF dressings as a first-line local treatment of chronic wounds: a systematic review of clinical evidenceMeloni, Marco; Colboc, Hester; Armstrong, David G; Dissemonds, Joachim; Rayman, Gerry, et alJournal Article