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Journal Title: Original building of Warrnambool Base Hospital on Ryot Street
SWH Author: Warrnambool Hospital
Keywords: Archive
Issue Date: 1861
Date Accessioned: 2023-08-04T06:40:41Z
Date Available: 2023-08-04T06:40:41Z
Description: The original building of the Warrnambool Base Hospital in Ryot Street which was designed by town surveyor Andrew Kerr and built in 1861. In 1853 the Government granted 2 acres and a further 10 acres later on, on the present hospital site where the pictured 2 story Hospital was built. The building was opened in May of 1861 and cost £1,084/10/0 to build with £700 raised at a local bazaar. As shown in the 1940 Warrnambool & District Base Hospital Annual Report. View from Ryot Street facing West.
Type: Photograph
Appears in Collections:Warrnambool & District Base Hospital Historical Images

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