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Journal Title: Opening Ceremony of Nurses Home - Mayor of Warrnambool
Authors: Warrnambool & District Base Hospital
Keywords: Archive
Nurses Home
Staff Accomodation
Issue Date: 10-Oct-1953
Publisher: Photograph by Ralph Illide
Date Accessioned: 2025-03-12T01:51:40Z
Date Available: 2025-03-12T01:51:40Z
Abstract: “On the 10th November 1953, our Nurses New Home was formally opened by Hon. The Minister of Health, Mr. W. P. Barry, M.L.A., Dr. J. Lindell, Chairman of the Hospitals and Charities Commission, was in attendance and spoke at the Opening Ceremony. Many distinguished guests from Melbourne and surrounding districts met to mark the occasion, and during the inspection following the opening, praise was almost unanimous for the siting, planning and furnishing of the new quarters. All dealised the value to the community of providing good accommodation of the past. The John Hunter Henderson Memorial Lecture and Demonstration Room is in an attractive setting and should greatly facilitate Nurses Training for the future. Much new equipment has been purchased from the Henderson Family’s generous gift to benefit Trainees for generations to come.” (WBH Annual Report, 1954).
Description: Pictured giving a speech is the Mayor of Warrnambool Cr. Alex Struth. Other officials from R>L Mr. A. K[ersing] and Mrs. K[ersing], Cr. D. Ryan (President of Shire), Mr. Keith Arnel and Mrs. Arnel (Town Clerk) and Hon. Barry MLA (Minister of Health).)
Type: Photograph
Appears in Collections:Warrnambool & District Base Hospital Historical Images

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