The SWH Digital Repository is an open access, institutional repository that exhibits and holds a record of the research output, historical archive, and official documentation of the South West Healthcare community. South West Healthcare is committed to providing a comprehensive range of healthcare services to enhance the quality of life for people in South West Victoria.


Recent submissions

Title/Author/Citation Type of publication
Real-world impact of pembrolizumab availability for deficient mismatch repair metastatic colorectal cancer
Loft, Matthew,Wong, Vanessa,Kosminder, Suzanne et al.
Journal Article
Palliative care clinical trials research in regional settings: green fields of opportunity
Ferres, Miriam,Mounsey, Lisa,Chua, Joyce et al.
Journal Article
Real-world impact of pembrolizumab availability for deficient mismatch repair metastatic colorectal cancer
Loft, Matthew,Wong, Vanessa,Kosmider, Suzanne et al.
Journal Article
Financial implications of unpaid clinical placements for allied health, dentistry, medical, and nursing students in Australia: a scoping review with recommendations for policy, research, and practice
Beks, Hannah,Walsh, Sandra,Clayden, Suzanne et al.
Journal Article
The 25th Annual Report 2023-2024
South West Healthcare.
Using patient-reported experiences to inform the use of foam dressings for hard-to-heal wounds: perspectives from a wound care expert panel
Woo, Kevin,Santamaria, Nick,Beeckman, Dimitri et al.
Journal Article
A 7-item Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia in people with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: evaluation of structural validity, hypothesis testing, internal consistency and minimally important change
Murphy, Myles C.,Rio, Ebonie K.,Scholes, Mark J. et al.
Journal Article
Improving joy at work and reducing burnout in health care workers in Victoria, Australia using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement joy in work framework A mixed-methods study
Jordan, Joanne E.,Garner, Kerryn,Bones, Kate et al.
Journal Article
Evaluation of a weight-based process for real-time accurate confirmation of oral liquid controlled drug balances
Wembridge, Paul,Ta, Linda,Callinan, Meegan et al.
Journal Article
Improving Accuracy of Discharge Summary Medication Lists – A Comprehensive Electronic Medical Record Quality Improvement Project
Tao, Winnie,Rodda, Hamish,Monypenny, Nick et al.
Journal Article